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Discover insights from Aperture Capital and FiveT Fintech’s Geneva event, where experts discussed AI’s transformative impact on financial services. Learn about opportunities, challenges, and the future of fintech innovation. Join our investor network for updates on future events and exclusive investment opportunities.

There was a buzz in the air at aperture’s recent events in Geneva (Restautant Le Baroque) and Zurich (Hotel Widder). We brought investors, fund managers, founders and fintech industry experts together for some lively discussion on alternative assets.

Kicking Off the Future: AI’s Influence in Financial Services

Discover insights from Aperture Capital and FiveT Fintech’s Geneva event, where experts discussed AI’s transformative impact on financial services. Learn about opportunities, challenges, and the future of fintech innovation. Join our investor network for updates on future events and exclusive investment opportunities.

9 predictions for alternative assets in 2024

There was a buzz in the air at aperture’s recent events in Geneva (Restautant Le Baroque) and Zurich (Hotel Widder). We brought investors, fund managers, founders and fintech industry experts together for some lively discussion on alternative assets.


Digital native, back-end fund administrators are a no-brainer, providing a single source of truth that will cut costs, increase transparency and make reporting quick and simple. The next evolution will be adding AI to help manage the portfolio, writes Maximilian Derpa

Until the industry digitalizes and interest rates fall, renewed efforts by European regulators to open up alternative assets to retail investors are likely to have the same disappointing outcome as before, says Julien De Mayer.

This is now a time to build and scale the infrastructure for digital banking. It will be transformational, but different and more measured. And recognising the extent of the crash and the business models that didn’t work is an important first step because the fintech landscape has changed irreversibly.

There is no code and there are no applications, there are just networks (AI models) connected to networks which are in turn connected to networks (the internet) processed by networks (our brains).

No matter how many new name logos a core banking vendor may tout, when jobs are on the line, it is go-lives that really matter. The current replacement options are either pre-cloud systems with rich functionality or cloud-based systems with limited functionality; and neither is easy to implement.

This is a great time to be an incumbent bank. The best time for decades. Lifting banks’ profits is giving them the money to invest in digitizing their business processes and renovating their business models.

Jaid helps large institutions to intelligently automate important but mundane tasks, like resolving customer post-trade queries or updating CRM systems for changes in deal statuses.

The embedded banking opportunity is clear, but choosing the right partner might be less so. This is why we created this 10-point checklist for BaaS buyers: to distil some of our experience from helping companies to select the right BaaS platform. 

What follows is our schematic for understanding the differences between BaaS models, as well as a discussion about the battle to dominate the BaaS space over time, which we think is likely to involve both open banking and B2B SaaS platforms.

What follows is our schematic for understanding the differences between BaaS models, as well as a discussion about the battle to dominate the BaaS space over time, which we think is likely to involve both open banking and B2B SaaS platforms.

In the networked age, scale of production is no longer a moat. Instead, network effects are the new moat. Peter Thiel gets this; Buffet doesn’t.

The banking software market is reconfiguring around the demands of the digital economy — and value is accruing to new systems of intelligence.

The last couple of months have seen JP Morgan close its digital bank Finn, as well as BPCE close the UK arm of its digital bank, Fidor. This has led to a lot of speculation about whether it’s possible to run a disruptive business within an incumbent organisation. But, it also raises a simpler point. When does it make sense to launch a challenger bank?

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Whether you look to invest in private companies, grow your company or adapt your business model to the digital era, drop us a note.
